Thursday, September 29, 2011

First frost!

Almost two months to the day of my last successful blog post. Earlier in the season the owners of the farm on which I work were skeptical if I would be able to keep up with my blog once the harvest months hit - it turns out they were right. But today was the first frost, which means the summer is coming to an end and I will soon have time to write detailed updates on how each product has matured in the last two months.

I had mixed feelings about the frost this morning. Though we have been joking and looking forward to the day when we can stop harvesting tomatoes, I was not ready for that day to be today. I was sad at the prospect of everything dying. Everything I have worked so hard to grow and maintain. I will admit I was a little teary when I thought of all our ground crops being dead. But then I picked almost frozen cherry tomatoes for an hour-and-a-half while barely being able to feel my fingers and I decided I was in fact ready for the tomatoes to be dead after all.

Luckily the frost was a spot frost which means it only damaged some of the plants. I still have a few days or maybe even a couple of weeks to harvest and preseve some more of the healthy and clean food I have worked so hard to help grow this summer.

I feel I must accept that summer is gone.