Wednesday, April 25, 2012

La Candelaria, Argentina: Administracion Enrique Duhau SAAG

I am currently interning at Administration E. Duhau in Argentina. They are one of the largest producers of beef in the country and do business in many aspects of the industry around the country. Currently I am working on one of their properties called La Candelaria, which houses Argentina's largest feedlot and also has a very extensive crop production division.
The details of each on-farm division will follow, but here is a general overview of the production in recent years according to the owner.
1) Agriculture on our own land. We plant corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton and sunflower. We are located in the province of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe and Chaco, in northern Argentina. We plant 25.000 has.

2) Agriculture on rented land. We plant about 55.000 has of the same products in Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Cordoba, Chaco and Santiago del Estero.

3) Milk production. We milk 1.800 cows in 4 dairies.

4) Calf production. We raise 5.000 calves yearly in 3 farms in the east of the province of Buenos Aires.
5) Feedlot. We fatten 60.000 steers in 2 feedlots in the west of the province of Buenos Aires.


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