Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bringing the Farm into the City: Summer Produce and Canning

Now that I am doing my M. Sc. in Soil Science at the University of British Columbia, the hours I used to spend writing on the blog are dedicated to writing my thesis. Unfortunately, though I am able to write for many hours in the day, I am unable to express myself with the creativity and curious world outlook I could as a traveler. As a consequence, I tried to fulfill this need by starting a tumblr account which is a very unique way to express the world as one sees it - or from what I gather from the volume of reposts of images, from the way you see the world through a collection of online images.

I am back to the blog because it feels most natural to me to share the stories and adventures I have with friends and family, especially as they relate to food and agriculture. Throughout the winter months I worked at the Nat Bailey Stadium farmer's market, thought the winter rain was uninspiring to share much. But now that summer is here I have loads to share! What will follow this summer are a series of the photos and anecdotes about summer produce that makes its way to the city from rural or semi-rural parts of British Columbia and the many wonderful culinary adventures that can be had with said produce.

Unfortunately strawberry season came and went without my being able to preserve or freeze any of these delicious berries. Being away from the fields, it is hard to have a good sense about how many days or weeks are left in a season and to plan accordingly. It was a good reminder to me too that I would have to be busy preserving every week if I wanted to have a taste of summer to share with friends and family this winter.

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