Monday, May 16, 2011

Harvest Day

Friday for harvest day, I started off the day bunching spinach. A fairly simple job because of the way the seeds are planted for spinach. Earlier in the week when we were weeding baby greens, I remarked that the spinach was growing much more sporadically than the other greens – I thought that this was as a result of poor germination. In reality, the spinach are seeded quite far apart to allow the plants to grow big and makes harvesting them for bunches much easier. We pull the plants entirely out off the ground, bind bunches and pack them in boxes ready to go.

The day consisted of getting a lot of items ready in the greenhouse and then packing up. These are some of the items we sent to Trout Lake for the market: rubbarb, lettuce heads (romaine, butter, red oak, green oak, red leaf and green leaf), mesclun mix, baby spinach, spinach bunches, eggs, lilac bunches, heirloom tomato plants, squash, apples, and apple chips.

We harvested so much lettuce on Friday that it was decided Nadja would go to the Penticton Market also on Saturday to try and sell off some of the load. She sold out – of eggs too.

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